IPL Photofacial Specialist

Omega Med Spa
Med Spa located in Fayetteville, GA
If brown spots and sun-damaged skin make you feel self-conscious about your appearance, Betsy Horton, MD, and her expert aesthetics team offer effective solutions. At Omega Med Spa in Fayetteville, Georgia, they use intense pulsed light (IPL) photofacials to restore your skin’s tone and texture and diminish imperfections. Request an appointment by calling the office or using the online booking tool today.
IPL Photofacial Q & A
What is an intense pulsed light (IPL) photofacial?
IPL photofacials use laser light to reduce skin pigmentation problems and improve your skin’s tone. IPL light passes through your outer skin layers to draw out and disperse the uneven pigment. It’s useful for just about any area of your body, including your face, chest, neck, shoulders, and limbs.
What are IPL photofacials used for?
The Omega Med Spa team might recommend a photofacial to reduce the following skin imperfections:
- Spider veins
- Pigmentation problems
- Rosacea
- Redness
- Freckles
- Birthmarks
- Sun damage
- Age spots
- Wrinkles
- Unwanted hair
IPL photofacials are noninvasive without downtime but can produce dramatic improvements in your skin’s appearance.
How should I prepare for IPL photofacials?
To find out if an IPL photofacial is the right procedure for you, your aesthetic specialist reviews your medical history and examines your skin. They discuss your desired results and let you know what to expect during the procedure.
Prior to IPL photofacials, follow your provider’s instructions. Avoid taking certain medications and protect your skin from the sun and tanning beds. Two weeks before your scheduled procedure, it’s important to avoid chemical peels, waxing, certain skincare products, and collagen injections.
What happens during an IPL photofacial?
During IPL photofacials, you sit in a comfortable chair in a relaxing room. Your aesthetic specialist applies a numbing cream to your skin to optimize your comfort and diminish rubber band snapping sensations against the skin. They give you special glasses to protect your eyes from the laser.
Your provider applies gel to your skin and uses a handheld device to emit laser energy to targeted areas of your body. The duration of each procedure depends on the size of the area treated. It might take just 20 to 30 minutes or last an hour or longer.
What should I expect after the procedure?
After IPL laser treatment, your skin might be a little tender, red, or swollen. Apply ice to it if you’d like or take over-the-counter pain relievers. There’s no downtime so that you can resume everyday activities right away.
Your aesthetic specialist might recommend a series of several IPL treatments to help you achieve the best outcome. You should also take measures to protect your skin from the sun between IPL sessions.
Don’t live with sun spots, wrinkles, and other skin imperfections that bother you. Schedule an appointment with Omega Med Spa by phone or online today.